Golden ray

I am a night owl.  I am at my best  only after sundown. Waking up early in the morning is a huge challenge, more so because I read late into the night. It doesn’t help any when other members of your family are early, chirpy birds. Grrrrrrrr…….!

Last week, we had a mid-week holiday and that meant I could sleep-in. I snuggled deeper into my quilt. I could sense that the rest of my family was up and bustling, but I was not going to wake up. No way.


              Courtesy –

I must have fallen into a deep sleep, when I heard my son’s shrill voice, “Mom, mom…wake up, wake up.”

I said, “Shhhhhh…go away.”

But talk about persistence. He kept on calling out, and started shaking me.

When I could take it no more, I opened an eye and snapped with irritation, “WHAT?”

I struggled to sit up and my son said, “Mom, see golden dust…isn’t it beautiful.”

The blinds were open just a little bit, and through that gap, the first golden rays of sunlight were streaming in.

Despite the rude awakening I could only smile at his excitement.

If I had seen this on my own, I would have pulled the blinds shut and gone right back to sleep. But, thanks to my son, I sat up and watched the golden rays streaming in, making the floor glow. Little particles danced with joy, as my son moved his hand in and out of the ray of light.

I was nearly awake. A strong cup of coffee was all it took to help me take on the day.

25 thoughts on “Golden ray”

  1. Your son is amazing Nimi… Children find happiness and joy in small things, where the real happiness lies. It is amazing to see golden dust, it gives us a fresh feeling. I too sleep late and wake up late… Haha… Can’t help.. Have a great time… ๐Ÿ™‚

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  2. Thanks Nimi, for sharing this moment, and thanks again to your son for waking up lazy you in the early morning hours. I only hope those golden rays act as a fillip for you to change your routine to align with the proverbial ‘early to bed and early to rise makes you healthy, wealthy and wise’….

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