Bliss stop

I stand transfixed, like I do each time I am here. I am in one of my favourite bookstores, surrounded by hundreds of thousands of books.

After a mean cup of coffee, a book store is the second best ‘bliss stop’ for me.  I perform a ‘mental jig’ in anticipation.

I am here to pick up a particular book, but my mission takes a back seat as I start at the must reads section, literature section, and then work my way down all kinds of genres, books and authors.


  Courtesy –

My stroll is punctuated by small treats, where I take books and look at them, read the synopsis, and unconsciously start carrying them with me.

Each book alley calls out to me, I keep walking and stopping, browsing….! It is therapeutic. Time is a very elastic rubber band as it stretches for me, keeping pace with my joy and excitement.

There are people like me everywhere, their minds transported into a world of words, their eyes scanning for new journeys into this world. I walk multiple circles around the store. 

Millions of words, millions of thoughts, millions of hours of creativity trapped in millions of pages. So many, many stories, so many emotions and so much power in these shelves to change lives.

I soon realize that I am carrying seven books, and that I need a shopping cart to continue my journey.  I find the book that I had come to buy.

I soak-in the peace of the place for some more time. I pay for my books, and walk out into the hot afternoon, totally satisfied.

14 thoughts on “Bliss stop”

  1. Nice. I get most of my books at the thrift store of library. They are very expensive and I rarely read them more than once. It’s not quite the blissful experience though…more take what you can get then find what you’re looking for!

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  2. I, too, enjoy bookstores, but have been using libraries, free book boxes and library 25 cent sales for the books I’ve been reading for the last several years.

    Occasionally, I keep a book that doesn’t have to be returned. I love the free book boxes as i end up reading books I’ve never heard of in genres I’ve never thought to read before. And it’s fun to read a book, turn it in and grab another.

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