The Beach

The long stretch of beach stretches on either side. The sun is hidden by clouds. Not too many people around.

I take off my footwear and walk on the soft sand towards the water.

The first wave washes over my feet. My feet sink-in further, as the sand from under my feet, gets carried away by the water.


I look out at the waves and at the majestic ocean. A feeling of timelessness grips me. These same waves must have been pounding these shores for centuries, tirelessly.  They show no exhaustion or fatigue as they crash on the beach, recede, build up new vigour and come back – again and again.

Every new wave that washes over my feet is magical. When I look at the horizon in the distance, I know that thousands of miles away there is land somewhere, and maybe someone standing there, just like me, dreaming and imagining.

This timelessness that I feel at the beach calms me; life is beautiful and unfolding the way it should.

Just like these waves here, we just need to keep trying to do our very best every single time. Sometimes we may not form the perfect wave, but if we hang in there we will definitely emerge stronger.

Here are some pictures I took.





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