The black eye

As the years fly past, the mirror tells you things that you do not necessarily want to know, or acknowledge.

So, a few days ago, one of my friends asked me if I was sleeping ok, as there were black circles under my eyes. She recommended an eye gel that would work magic.

I spent some time looking at my panda eyes and critically evaluated the possibilities. Yes, I definitely had black bags. Hmmm…

I went ahead and bought myself a good eye-gel. I have been using this for the last few days.

Last night, as I stood before the mirror and applied the eye-gel, I said to my husband, “Not sure if this thing really works. How will I know if it is indeed working?”


Picture courtesy –

My husband thought for a minute and came up with this very practical solution.

He said, “Why don’t you apply it on one eye only. Then you can very easily make out if it’s working.”

Men!!!! (Sigh). Imagine going around with one black eye!

24 thoughts on “The black eye”

  1. Seems logical. Then if it works you can apply it to the other ye and catch up. Worst scenario, you could wear an eye patch if you go outside for a couple of days till they’re even again.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx
    ps. Respects to your logical husband. LOL.

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