Moms & Snack boxes

I don’t know about all you moms out there, but when my kids were in kindergarten and primary school, it was a big challenge to decide what to pack for their recess snack boxes and lunch boxes.

Some years, the teachers made it easy by giving a list of snack food categories for the week like Monday – fruit, Tuesday – salad etc.

But when the teachers did not give this list, I racked my brains. I am a fairly good cook but my kids would constantly come back and tell me that their boxes and meals were boring, and that their friends brought fun stuff.

So, once a week I would give them some potato wafers or Indian savouries for their snack boxes, to crank up the ‘cool-mom factor’ a few notches.

There have been times, when I have been asked to call their friends’ moms for certain recipes. They were happy when I made those dishes, but still felt it was not like their friends’ moms cooking. Phew!

I learned a lot of new recipes, and have evolved and innovated over the years. Time has flown, and the kids’ tastes have changed.

Now each time I pack their snack boxes, my teenager says, “Could you just give me fruit and salad. Don’t want any junk. I want to eat healthy.”


Courtesy –

Hmmmm…so it is back to square one. Monday – fruit, Tuesday – salad….maybe I should just pull out the nursery teacher’s schedule.

How soon time flies…and how soon the kids grow up!

15 thoughts on “Moms & Snack boxes”

  1. Wow, I am impressed by how much thought you put into your kid’s lunches. I would be afraid of fruit and salad going bad during the day so we always pack the same thing…Nutella and peanut butter on wheat along with a juice box and some healthy snacks (popcorn, raisins). Marginally healthy, cheap and relatively low maintenance…that’s pretty much how I run my kitchen.

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    1. Hmmm..the problem or good thing (don’t know which it is), is that there are so many, many dishes in Indian cooking, that I cannot hide behind any excuse. We Indians tend to cook a lot. We are big foodies πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

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